Jared Isaacs


Jared Isaacs is a part-time web-developer, app developer and a pinch of graphic designer, since not only does he create them, but design the layout and graphics for them, which gives it that final touch. His passionate about software development, thus large projects gives him the ways and means of learning new methods of coding, new coding techniques and most of all feeds the spermologist within him.


Work And Education

2022 - Present

Life Choices - Student /Aspiring Web Developer

As an aspiring web developer student at Life Choices, it's my life long dream and endeavour to become a web developer as well a aspiring app developer those are my goals as a student Life Choice Academy

My Goals And Achievement:
  • I have developed a few web pages, which I present further down the web page
  • I've learnt 4 programmable languages in the last past 2 months
  • I've inner drive and ambition to learn as much as possible, so that I can master my skills at coding
  • I assist my collagues to better there skills


Spine Road- I.T student

The pinnical of my coding career when I started learning coding language and developing applications

My Accomplishments:
  • Learnt how to create applications in Delphi
  • Created an application to benefit other orginizations


My Skills


Joel Mukanya


I have no hesitancy in writing a letter of recommendation for Jared. He is a friendly, outgoing student who gets along well with the other students in the class and makes an effort to engage with the teacher. Jared has demonstrated a great grasp of the HTML & CSS topics we have covered in class. He has made great progress this semester. Godwin -Head of Curriculum and Learning

Muddathir Dawood


Jared is a developer with potential to become something great in the future. It is a pleasure watching his skill grow with each project he is given and motivates me and other to do better. He will add an enormous amount of value to any team

Marshalino Jankowski


Jared is extremely talented and hardworking, he is at the fore of the class when it comes to coding. He helps others when they face challenges and shares his knowledge to his peers. Presenting a kind and caring personality with a never surrendering attitude is hard traits to find. That being said he will be an unreplaceable asset to his team and workplace

Clayton Adonis


Jared is a fast learner that can grasp any new concept very quickly. He'll put more than 100% into his tasks and finish them with more work done than he needed to do

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